The Wheel-Rail Interaction event of 2019 is coming to Vienna, Austria!

The Wheel-Rail Interaction EU 2019 Conference will examine design and maintenance; research and development; and the ways in which technology is being employed to improve wheel/rail interaction on European railways and metro systems.
Like its annual North American counterpart, WRI EU ’19 will focus on the practical application of technology and scientific principles to address issues relating to wheel/rail interaction. The conference includes a comprehensive review of the fundamental aspects of wheel/rail interaction, along with presentations on the practical application of techniques and technologies to address issues such as noise, wear, rolling contact fatigue and vehicle dynamics.
Information is presented through a combination of presentations on the “Principles of Wheel/Rail Interaction,” Case Studies from railways and metro systems and dedicated question and answer sessions after each presentation.
Download WRI EU 2019 flyer (German)Just Announced:
One Day Prior to the start of the Conference (28 October 2019) A Private Guided Tour of Wiener Linien's Main Workshop (Railroad Construction Department B63 and Central Workshops F54), where work is done on both Tramway & Subway switches & wheels.
*Transportation will be provided to and from the Hilton Danube Hotel
Sample “Principles” topics include:

- Contact mechanics – Contact Patch, Stresses and Creepage
- Wheel/Rail Tribology – Friction Fundamentals, Friction Management
- Wheel/Rail Profiles and Effective Conicity
- Vehicle Steering – Curving and Stability
- Vehicle Dynamics
- Wear, Damage Mechanisms
Sample Presentations include:
- Rail Grinding or Milling to Control Wheel/Rail Interaction
- Managing and Modeling Data to Predict and Prevent RCF
- Managing Corrugation and Noise
- Friction Management and it’s Application
- Tools for Monitoring Wheel/Rail Wear and Damage
- Data Dynamics: Combining Data Streams for More Comprehensive Information
Join a select group of researchers, suppliers and railway practitioners in sharing the latest information on wheel/rail, vehicle/track interaction at WRI EU ’19 in Vienna, Austria, 29-31 October, 2019, the Hilton Vienna Danube Waterfront.