Principles Course Sessions Speaker:

Kevin Oldknow
Simon Fraser University,
Organizing Chair — Principles Course
Dr. Kevin Oldknow, P.Eng., is an Associate Professor and Inaugural Director of the School of Sustainable Energy Engineering at Simon Fraser University. Oldknow leads an active research program in Vehicle Track Interaction at SFU, and has taught courses in dynamic systems modeling and simulation, industrial control systems, manufacturing systems, technology and society, engineering economics and technology entrepreneurship. He is a winner of the 2018 SFU Excellence in Teaching Award.
Kevin also has 20 years of industrial experience, primarily in railway systems. This has included an array of domestic and international projects on passenger and freight rail systems, including vehicle-track studies and simulation work, and the deployment and verification of technologies for asset life extension and improved system performance. He has held technical, strategic and senior management roles at Procter & Gamble, Cameleon Controls, Kelsan Technologies, Portec Rail Products and LB Foster Rail Technologies.
Oldknow holds a B.A.Sc. in Engineering Physics from the University of British Columbia, and an M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (also from UBC). He has published in the areas of dynamics and controls, wheel-rail and vehicle-track interaction, tribology and friction control, and engineering education.
Kevin has attended and contributed to WRI since 2005. He has served as Organizing Chair and Program Director for the WRI Principles Course since 2018, and is delighted to continue in this role.